Prof computer science,

Prof. Mokhtar SELLAMI, is in charge of STI Implementation in  the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research  with recent experience of ten years in research programming and evaluation followed by five years in technological development and Innovation. He holds the doctorate in computer science at the university of Grenoble (France) in 1980  and investigate research areas in artificial intelligence and logic programming with more then one hundred of ranked publications.  At continental level, he set up the Pan African institute of water science and energy (including climate change) in Algeria, and initiated  many international cooperation programs in the framework of bilateral cooperation and AU-EU partnership through the High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD Bureau).  Recent tasks are on co-leading and coordinating  H2020 AU-EU programmes on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE) and FNSSA (Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture).  Others activities of interest are supervising and facilitating  incubators implementation, Laboratory of Fabrication (FabLabs) animation and the creation of startups. 
